English Language and Literacy

At Thornhill we aim: 

  • to enable children to express themselves with confidence using an acceptable form of the language in  their speech and writing. 
  • to teach children to read with understanding, fluency and expression.
  • to develop the power to comprehend the spoken and written forms of the language. 
  • to increase the vocabulary and give a fuller understanding of the finer details of the language. 
  • to teach the basic grammatical structures of the language, so that English may be used with accuracy and understanding. 
  • to provide the children with a wide variety of good examples of English literature, including poetry, and to help them to understand and appreciate it. 
  • to stimulate their creativity through oral activities, writing, drama and art. 
  • to enable children to develop effective listening skills. 

A holistic approach to the language is recommended, thereby providing extensive links with the other subjects taught.

At Thornhill we use a mixture of both the Ginn Reading Programme and the Oxford Reading Tree reading schemes.

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