
At Thornhill we aim: 

  • to develop number concepts through experience with concrete material, discovery and discussion. 
  • to develop the ability of the pupil to recall and apply mathematical knowledge and methods to solve problems which may be encountered in daily life, now and in the future. 
  • to develop the ability to understand, interpret, read, speak and write mathematical language. 
  • to develop insight into spatial relationships and measurement. 
  • to develop a love for and a positive attitude towards mathematics. 
  • to provide basic mathematical preparation for future study. 
  • to develop problem solving and logical thinking. 

These aims are carried out through New Heinemann Maths, which is a flexible and practical course written in line with the National Numeracy Strategy in the UK. It is a carefully structured programme, which allows the children to practise and consolidate the skills they are taught and to use and apply them in different contexts. 


It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Thornhill Primary School website, filled with information which, we hope, will attract your interest and serve to give a sense of the rich flavour of life at our school.