PTA Sponsored Walk

Friday, October 20, 2023 - 11:30

PTA Sponsored Walk




I would like to sincerely thank all our Thornhill families who supported this event so generously during the second term. We held our prize giving during the final week of last term and congratulations to the following:

Samsung 10.5” tablets (4) were won by the following;

In the Lucky Draw category:

In the Reception to Std 3 year groups our winner was Axel Hinze (3J)

In the Std 4 to Std 7 year groups our winner was Kutlo Molomo (5W).

For the child who raised the most money category:

In the Reception to Std 3 year groups Fatema Zahraa Hussain (1M) raised the most money.

In the Std 4 to Std 7 year groups Joshua Matthews (6C) raised the most money.

A special mention and congratulations goes out to De Vrye van Dyk who walked the most number of laps on the day.

Well done to Std 3P for being the first class to return their money and forms and to Std 6C, who raised the most money overall. Both classes won a pizza lunch, which they enjoyed in the first week this term.

We raised a memorable and magnificent P 314,868.90. during this year’s event. My sincere thanks and appreciation to all our Thornhill families for your incredible support.

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Thornhill Primary School website, filled with information which, we hope, will attract your interest and serve to give a sense of the rich flavour of life at our school.