Std 4T Fantasy Writing

Wednesday, July 15, 2020 - 14:30

Std 4T Fantasy Writing


In Std 4T, one of the themes we have covered in English, this term, is Fantasy writing. The children enjoy this topic and their Creative writing is wonderful.


The Magical Journey

Extract by Raeesa Hoosan 4T

A long time ago, before the world was very old there was a rain forest bigger than the Amazon rain forest! There were lots of creatures, fairies and lots of creatures that anyone could think of. It was a very beautiful place but nobody could ever discover this rain forest. This rain forest was on an island where nobody could ever find. Then one day me, Raeesa and my two friends Zahra and Maleehah, my best friends were going on a flight with our parents. Then we flew into a giant storm! Below us was the ocean……………


Super Boy and Talking Dog

Extract by Kulani Tibone 4T

Super Boy planned something with Talking Dog to take down the tornado, once and for all. They wanted to power up their freeze breathe. They came to the tornado but Nordan was controlling the tornado. So they were still going to use their power but they had to destroy Nordan first. Super Boy had an idea, he was going to split up from Talking Dog. He said that Talking Dog should freeze the tornado then he would take down Nordan. Nordan saw that Super Boy wanted to defeat him……..


The Magic Kingdom

Extract by Reneilwe Kebonang 4T

When they were done setting up they heard footsteps coming from the stairs. They knew it was him because they peeked through the door. They waited for him to enter the room and when he did they waited for him to come close to the pot. Leah pulled the string and the net that has sticks fell on top of him. Then they locked the door and told him that if he didn’t leave the kingdom, they were going to expose him. So the Transformer decided to leave the Kingdom. A few days passed and everything was back to normal and they lived happily ever after.

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