Std 7W News

Thursday, September 23, 2021 - 09:00

Std 7W News


It was pleasing to note that the vast majority of my class made it into my lessons during the online start to school. While it is not nearly the same as being in class, we were at least able to continue school with a semblance of normality. For those affected by COVID bubbles, an all too familiar experience.

Then came the Tuesday when the Std 7 children were allowed back into school and far from the jaded group that you might have expected to see I was greeted with the normal raucous sound of 7W choosing their seats, unpacking their books and generally getting back into their groove. We were missing a few here and there and still are, but we have hybrid teaching to keep them in the loop.

Lessons started immediately and off we went. The weather was not kind to us and my fellow ‘draughtees’ (those who sit in the wind tunnel between the two opposing doors) shivered our way into Term 3.

It has been good to interact face to face with my students again, but there have been times when I have sorely missed the ‘Mute all’ button from Google Meet. Our curriculum presses on and we have at least been able to have some time to work on drama, with students practicing and performing scenes from various plays in and around the classroom. The experience has been highly entertaining for all.

I would like to thank the students for their remarkable resilience over the last nine months and their parents for the assistance and patience they have shown at this difficult time. I will continue to endeavour to teach one and all online, or in class to the best of my ability and I hope to retire my Airpods, if not permanently, to a more leisure based activity. Mr Warwick

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Thornhill Primary School website, filled with information which, we hope, will attract your interest and serve to give a sense of the rich flavour of life at our school.